Khaled Alkilane


Hi! :wave: I’m a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Zhejiang University-University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (ZJU-UIUC), working with Professor Der-Horng Lee on deep learning and intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

👨🏻‍💻 I specialize in ML/DL for traffic and time series analysis, with a current focus on RL and generative AI.

:bookmark_tabs: I received my PhD in Computer Science from DUT, China, where I focused on traffic prediction in urban road networks using deep learning under the supervision of Professor Shen Yanming. Prior to that, I obtained a Master’s degree with a major in Electronic Information & Communication Engineering from HUST, China. My research focuses on the intersection of time series analysis and spatio-temporal data mining, with a particular emphasis on developing and applying advanced DL techniques into ITS.

Research Interests

I am particularly interested in exploring the potential of reinforcement learning and generative AI for addressing complex challenges in time series and traffic domains. My current areas of investigation include:

  1. Time Series Analysis: Foundation models, generation, forecasting and classification techniques.
  2. Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: Representation learning and AI applications in ITS.
  3. Multimodal Learning and Alignment: Time series LLMs and Generative models.


Aug 14, 2024 We have submitted two papers to AAAI-2025 :rocket:.
Jul 15, 2024 Our papper has been accepted for publication in Information Fusion. :fire:
May 04, 2024 Our papper has been accepted for publication in Knowledge-Based Systems. :clap:
Jan 01, 2024 We have submitted a paper to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. :snowflake:
Jun 18, 2023 Our papper has been accepted for publication in IJCNN 2023. :ghost:

selected publications

    MixMamba: Time series modeling with adaptive expertise
    Khaled Alkilane, Yihang He, and Der-Horng Lee
    Information Fusion, 2024
  2. KBS
    A graph-based approach for traffic prediction using similarity and causal relations between nodes
    Khaled Alkilane, Alfateh M. Tag Elsir, Pengfei Wang, and 2 more authors
    Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024
  3. KBS
    TFGAN: Traffic forecasting using generative adversarial network with multi-graph convolutional network
    Khaled Alkilane, Alfateh M. Tag Elsir, and Yanming Shen
    Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022